I caress your head, in the middle of the night
again and again and again.
you are crying and
my heart can't stand that, so I comfort you
again and again and again.
And in that moment God shows me
-not for the first time but suddenly very clear-
that in how we love our children
we can see the Father's love for us.
That never-ending always-giving Love.
I hate that you are awake
and I want to sleep so badly
but I am there for you
because I'm your mom and I love you
For no other reason than love we are there
for our children
not because of what they do and
sometimes even despite of what they do.
How much bigger and greater is the
love of our heavenly Father for us.
We are human, we fall short,
we are impatient and sometimes
not even that kind to our own children.
But He IS love.
He is ever faithful, ever patient.
He never stops loving us.
Not because we deserve it
but because we are His children.
He is always there.
In the middle of the nigth, when you cry
and you're feeling alone,
because His heart can't stand it and He comforts you.
Even when you make mistakes and you're sure you don't deserve it,
He loves you and in His love
He forgives and accepts you
again and again and again.
For He is LOVE
Amen! Wat een geluk!