donderdag 20 juli 2017

this heartache inside me

'and we will worship, worship
forever in Your presence we will sing'

I sing it out loud, with a longing heart.
But I'm standing here at the kitchen sink trying so hard to find You HERE.

Forever in Your presence..Yes Lord!

But I feel this pain and this longing because it is NOT YET

The other night when I was full of the Holy Spirit, I felt it, Your presence.
So close, so full of joy and love for You.

The first week after it was still there.
Bursting out of my soul, unable to keep silent.

I also felt kind of sad, missing something, melancholic.

Now I know what it is..
it is because it is NOT YET

the closer I come
the more I know what I'm still missing

the closer I feel You
the more I feel
that heaven is far away

and as long as I'm on this earth
there will be this heartache
this deep, deep longing
to be one with my God and Father

but this pain
isn't just painful though
because it also makes me
stretch forward
reaching out
for more of You 
in me 
THIS moment

with in my heart 
the certainty
that not yet
only means that

woensdag 5 juli 2017

zand kun je niet drinken

'zand kun je niet drinken lieverd' zei ik
maar is dat echt zo?

ik weet niet of bijen kunnen zingen
en zijn 'vriendjes' die je niet kunt zien
ook niet waar?

soms wil ik graag dat je kleren schoon blijven
en je haren netjes
maar waarom?

en is het echt zo moeilijk om
mijn tempo even
aan jouw wereldje
gelijk te laten lopen?

hoe komt het toch dat mijn fantasie
het opgeeft na
10 keer hetzelfde spelletje
maar jij nog lang niet klaar bent?

'mama ik ben een peuter
en jij een volwassene'
en dat zegt misschien wel alles

'God made childhood joyous, full of life, bubbling over with laughter,
playful, bright and Sunny.
We should put into their childhood days just as much Sunshine and gladness,
just as much cheerful pleasure as possible.

Pour in the Sunshine about them in youth.
Let them be HAPPY, encourage all innocent joy, provide pleasant games for them,
romp and play with them; be a CHILD again among them.
Then God's blessing will come upon your home, and your children wil grow up Sunny-hearted, gentle, affectionate, joyous themselves and joy-bearers to the world.'

(J.R. Miller)